Our Core Values

Honor Creative Exploration

Giving children the time and space to play out their ideas and to experiment with different modes of creative exploration.

Embrace Natural Learning

Offering children opportunities to explore concepts and inquiries at their pace and in ways that are meaningful to them.

Engage in Meaningful Dialogue

Making space for children to share their thoughts and ideas openly and encouraging them to actively listening consider multiple perspectives.

Cultivate a Culture of Inclusivity and Understanding

Encouraging children to explore and deepen their relationships with their peers and community, while also developing a better understanding of themselves.

Develop Ecological Literacy

Connecting children with their innate passion and curiosity for the natural world by bringing elements of nature into the space and materials we share.

Advocate for Social and Environmental Justice

Challenging the children to explore the ways in which we impact those around us and how our words and actions can be a catalyst for change.