A small community of educators, children and families learning and growing together.
Redwood Homeschool is a home-based Reggio-inspired preschool located in Lakewood, CA near Bixby Knolls and the Long Beach Airport.
Our Mission
At Redwood Homeschool we believe that children are fully capable beings filled with an unbounded sense of wonder and unique perspectives shaped by how they experience the world. With that in mind, we seek to create a space where those aspects of who children are at their core drive the opportunities, conversations, and learning that is part of our community. We want children to feel safe and supported as they explore the power of their voice and will encourage them to step into themselves, engage in deep reflections, and use that renewed perspective to take thoughtful and purposeful action toward growth and change.
Our Core Values
Find out about our guiding principles.
Our Homeschool
Find out about our teacher-to-child ratio, age range, and schedule options.
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